
November 3, 2003

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Bill Glass Honored

Bill Glass, founder of Bill Glass Champions For Life was recently honored.  Steve Luce, Chairman of the Board welcomed everyone by saying,"We are honored that you could be with us tonight to pay a special tribute to the Founder and Spiritual leader of Champions for Life, Bill Glass. You will be joined by  many dignitaries who are here to tell the world what an incredible individual has headed this groundbreaking ministry for over thirty years. Reaching the outcast and downtrodden Bill has lead teams into some of the darkest arenas imaginable. He has never strayed from his God given mission but has boldly lead the charge as an example for the multitudes that have followed. Thousands upon thousands have heard the gospel as a direct result of the ministry of this very humble man.


As this ministry continues to move forward, we covet your prayers and we treasure your contributions of your time, your tithes and your talents. You are the supply of God’s army. Thank you for giving your time here tonight.


Fred Smith shared his own personal remarks:  "Bill is real. He is spiritual without being pious. He is a leader without being dictatorial. God had a ministry for him to do and equipped him for it. Being a big and strong man who is a sports celebrity earns him the respect of prisoners. He is a non-conformist not bound by ritual that would prevent him from presenting the Gospel to prisoners in an attractive and practical way. I have never known anyone who is less judgmental; that makes him compatible with his hearers. He believes no one is beyond the grace of God.

Bill’s integrity has won him the cooperation and respect of the wardens and prison officials. Likewise, he is a spiritual leader in his home with Mavis, his staunch supporter and faithful partner. Personally, I am constantly impressed with his constant desire to keep learning. His preaching is more effective than ever. I am so happy that as a reward for his effort he is now able to preach without pay. It gives me deep satisfaction when he calls me his “foster father.”






Bill is real. He is spiritual without being pious. He is a leader without being dictatorial. God had a ministry for him to do and equipped him for it. Being a big and strong man who is a sports celebrity earns him the respect of prisoners. He is a non-conformist not bound by ritual that would prevent him from presenting the Gospel to prisoners in an attractive and practical way. I have never known anyone who is less judgmental; that makes him compatible with his hearers. He believes no one is beyond the grace of God.

Bill’s integrity has won him the cooperation and respect of the wardens and prison officials. Likewise, he is a spiritual leader in his home with Mavis, his staunch supporter and faithful partner. Personally, I am constantly impressed with his constant desire to keep learning. His preaching is more effective than ever. I am so happy that as a reward for his effort he is now able to preach without pay. It gives me deep satisfaction when he calls me his “foster father.”


Fred Smith



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