
November 2, 2003

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Health Update on Fred Smith (Nov.3)

My good friend and theologian, Dr. Ramesh Richard, brings me an owl each time he returns from his worldwide travels.  I have an outstanding collection in my home.  Recently, he surprised me with another addition - a crystal obelisk with the cover of his new book, Soul Passion, and an owl etched into the glass.  He says that owls are revered as wise, so I am his "wise old owl." 

That reminds me of another local theologian (12 years my junior) who fell, cut his head badly and was being attended to by passersby.  He overheard their 911 call, "there is an old man here bleeding badly."  He said that he got so mad at being called old he wanted to jump up and ignore the emergency treatment.  I know that at 88 I am considered old, but maybe in owl years I am just a pup!

October was a good month physically.  Although I had a few blood pressure problems during dialysis, I have been able to spend alot of time preparing for speaking.  Thanks for your prayer support.

Mary Alice in losing her short term memory seems to find happiness in long term remembrances.  Recently she was reconnected by phone with a nephew with whom she had been out of touch for over 30 years.  "Coincidentally" he had been trying to find her for the last month. 

We pray for all of you who pray for us.  Let us know of specific needs through mail@breakfastwithfred.  Also, feel free to send questions to the new Ask Fred column. 

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