Ask Fred > Faith > How can a good God send people to hell?

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Dear Fred

Last week I was witnessing to a friend and he asked me this question..."How is God just and fair if he would condem moral good people to Hell just the same as those who are wicked." How do you explain the justification for this? I know that good deeds do not get you to heaven but I was having a hard time explaining that God was right in his judging.

Fred's Response

I suggest that you read R.C. Sproul’s writings on this subject. Remember, God’s definition of good is perfection. This is why it is necessary for us to accept Christ’s perfection for our salvation and not depend upon our own moral goodness. I think Satan can use our definition of good to make us feel no need for God’s perfection. I accept God’s justice just as I do His love by a childlike faith.