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Today's Article

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Evidences of a learning heart

The educated heart understands self-worth and where home is. Do you find yourself struggling with your life role? Do you have your lighthouse firmly built to lead you home? Fred Smith leads us in thinking about characteristics of an educated heart.

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Mentoring Questions

What kind of power do I enjoy and utilize?

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Ask Fred Archive

Why does it matter if man is basically good or evil?

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Daily Fenelon

Live out God's truth

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Latest News

August 18, 2009

Fred's impact 2 years later

Fred died two years ago on August 17th, 2007. His faith, his thinking, and his influence continue to impact many. As a tribute to Fred, would you tell others this week about...

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June 23, 2009

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Join the Breakfast With Fred group on Facebook. Share thoughts on the Weekly Thought through our discussion...

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