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Today's Article

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Productivity Works

The Menninger clinic lists five criteria for mental health is productivity is one of them. Have you ever thought of hospitality as accomplishment? Is friendship an area of productivity for you? Fred Smith takes a look at some often-ignored areas of accomplishment.</P>

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Mentoring Questions

How do I decide who I spend time with?

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Ask Fred Archive

How to keep faith strong.

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Daily Fenelon

Open Your Heart

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August 18, 2009

Fred's impact 2 years later

Fred died two years ago on August 17th, 2007. His faith, his thinking, and his influence continue to impact many. As a tribute to Fred, would you tell others this week about...

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June 23, 2009

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Join the Breakfast With Fred group on Facebook. Share thoughts on the Weekly Thought through our discussion...

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